“The Versailles of the Sea”

Cordouan Lighthouse is the oldest lighthouse in France that is still in operation today.
Its construction – surrounded by legend and mystery – was linked to the dangers of the Gironde Estuary, the maritime gateway to the Aquitaine region and the port of Bordeaux. The strength of the wind and the tides, as well as many sandbars, make this area a real graveyard for ships that is feared by all sailors.
- XIVth century
The first tower is believed to have been built on the rocky islet around 1355, at the request of the Black Prince, the son of the King of England, since the Duchy of Aquitaine was an English possession at the time. The octagonal tower was capped by a flame that was fed by a hermit who lived on site. But in the 16th century, the tower fell into ruin.
- XVIth century
In 1582, King Henry III of France decided to replace it with a monumental tower designed by the architect and engineer Louis de Foix. Some of its stones came from the flats of Les Pierrières in Saint-Palais. The offshore project to build the enormous platform was a colossal one. In 1594, Henry IV approved the new plans devised by Louis de Foix, which transformed the tower into a spectacular monument – a real château with its own sumptuous chapel – to the glory of the Catholic monarchy.
- XVIIth century
In 1611, the flame of the new Cordouan Tower was lit. Finally, in the 1660s, the room on the first floor was converted into a royal apartment.
Subjected to the wind and the ocean’s swells, Cordouan Tower required frequent repairs. In Royan, a house known as the “King’s House” or “Cordouan House” was purchased by the authorities as storage for the equipment and materials needed to maintain the tower and restock its supplies, which were delivered by Saint-Palais-sur-Mer’s harbour pilots.
In 1786, engineer Joseph Teulère suggested raising the height of the lighthouse by 30 feet and had a new lantern installed with a system of oil lamps in combination with the original rotating light.
Additional work was carried out on the lighthouse throughout the 19th century. The most innovative feature was the device that Augustin Fresnel installed at the top in 1823, the world’s first prototype of its kind. With that device, the light passes through a lens and is reflected off a metal surface, making it shine brighter and farther into the distance.
Between 1849 and 1855, the relevant actors began considering the possibility of restoring the structure, especially its sculptures. Those discussions are evidence of the emergence of a new awareness of heritage, particularly since Cordouan Lighthouse was one of the first buildings to be listed as a Historic Monument in 1862.
As of 24 July 2021, it has also been inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List.